Latest Custom Retail Packaging Design Trends for 2024

Your packaging design and material choices wield significant influence over global purchasing decisions. Staying abreast of the latest trends and innovations is crucial to maintaining a relevant packaging strategy. As we embark on the new year, a fresh wave of trends is emerging to shape the landscape. Whether you're seeking to elevate your retail packaging or embark on a complete redesign, here are the top custom retail packaging trends anticipated for 2024.
1. Embracing Sustainability
The sustainability wave from 2023 continues to surge into 2024, becoming an essential aspect of retail packaging. Far from a passing trend, sustainable packaging is evolving into an expectation. Anticipated trends include a heightened focus on reusable packaging components and the use of environmentally-friendly inks. Expect to see fabric tote bags, drawstring pouches, and boxes made from kraft packaging or recycled plastic. Eco-friendly inks, sourced from soy and algae, are gaining popularity for their lower emissions and biodegradability.

2. Nostalgic Homage
A revival of nostalgic elements from various eras, spanning the early 1900s to the energetic vibes of the '80s, is making its way into retail packaging design. By drawing inspiration from specific time periods, brands can create a unique design that playfully references the past. Maximalism, aligned with historical design styles, is predicted to gain traction, while minimalism remains a staple for 2024. Nostalgia not only helps brands stand out but also fosters a sense of familiarity and connection, positively influencing consumer moods and encouraging spending.

3. QR Codes Resilience
The use of QR codes, popularized during the COVID-19 pandemic, remains a steadfast element in retail packaging. Beyond offering contactless options, QR codes minimize waste by eliminating the need for packaging inserts. Strategically placed on packaging components, QR codes link to relevant online content, ranging from FAQs to augmented and virtual reality experiences, providing consumers with key information in a convenient and cost-effective manner.
4. Typography Takes Center Stage
In a departure from the usual afterthought, typography commands the spotlight in 2024's retail packaging design. Brands can make typography the focal point by choosing bold typefaces, creating custom fonts, or using text strategically throughout the design. This shift brings attention to the importance of the written word in conveying brand identity and messaging.

5. Vivid Color Palette
Diverging from the natural, neutral shades of 2023, 2024 introduces a vibrant and bold color palette. Pantone's "Viva Magenta" sets the tone, with even a small splash making a powerful statement. Shades of green, particularly verdigris, add unexpected pops of color, while metallics, incorporated through glitter or hot foil stamping, create a luxurious and eye-catching appeal. These bright and distinctive hues are set to dominate retail packaging and captivate consumer attention in the coming year.
In conclusion, the retail packaging landscape for 2024 is characterized by a commitment to sustainability, a nod to nostalgia, the enduring relevance of QR codes, a newfound emphasis on creative typography, and a vibrant color palette. Brands are urged to align with these trends to stay current, enhance consumer engagement, and make a lasting impact on the ever-evolving retail market. Embracing these design elements not only meets consumer expectations but also sets the stage for memorable and environmentally conscious brand experiences.